Monday, March 30, 2009


I recently realized that I hadn't taken any pictures of Molly in quite awhile. Poor baby already has second child syndrome. Sophie's latest thing it to say "hold her" in request to hold Molly. It's really cute to hear her say it and right after she asks she'll run and jump on the couch with her arms out all ready to receive her baby sister. I figured this would be a perfect photo opportunity (and of course a chance to redeem myself) so here are just a couple from our photo session this afternoon.

Molly can now somewhat hold her own with Sophie. She has figured out that her only line of defense is to grab Sophie's hair and it works pretty well.

She is such a happy baby (and yes, she is like this all the time)!

Showing off her sweet Sunday dress with Grandma (my mom).

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Videos

Sophie animal sounds and colors @ Yahoo! Video

I was trying to capture Sophie singing "Away in a Manger" and "Jesus Loves Me" on video but she was not willing to comply with mommy's request. I did however get her saying a few of her favorite animal sounds, her colors and just being her goofy self.

Molly Talking 3-18-09 @ Yahoo! Video

Molly has been quite the little vocalist lately. She loves to laugh, squeal and talk. She has been starting to babble making "B" sounds. This video captures her fun giggles and squeals. Sorry if it's a bit shaky. I was trying to get close to her to make her laugh.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Enjoying the Weather

We have been enjoying this glorious weather! Sophie asks to go outside constantly so it was fun to get out and play this past weekend.

Sophie and Ryan using the bubble mower

Molly loved sitting in her stroller outside

Every girl needs a four-wheeler, especially if it's hot pink
(thanks to my Aunt Susan and Uncle David for that fun toy)

"Ta-da!" - She learned this one in dance class and it's the only way
I can get her to stand still and look at the camera for a picture :)

This past week Molly started rice cereal which has been a fun adventure. She's not a huge fan of it (see picture below) but I mixed in some baby food bananas tonight and she seemed to like the flavorful combination.

This was taken right after her first couple bites.
I love how most of it is falling out of her mouth.

And last but not least a fun picture of Sophie and Ryan - partners in crime!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Picture Time

We are currently going through Extreme Makeover: Miersma Edition at our house. Well, let me repeat that, I'm going though Extreme Makeover: Miersma Edition at our house. Molly and Sophie are just along for the ride. (Did I mentioned I dragged them through Hobby Lobby tonight?) And Ryan doesn't care what I change as long as I don't involve him. He hates painting and I wouldn't blame him. Since we bought our house in August 2005 I have touched every room with a paintbrush. I know, I think I have a problem. I have removed wallpaper, painted, repainted after my husband lovingly painted our bathroom while I was pregnant with Sophie (there was paint on the ceiling, even though I taped for him and there were drips everywhere. He took my Grandpa Ted's advice "If you don't want to do something again, do it wrong the first time" a little too seriously, thanks Grandpa!) Anyway, I think my issue is that I get bored with something easily so I feel the need to change it up a bit. I like change and usually thrive on it. I guess I should say that never know what God has in store! :) I'm repainting Sophie and Molly's rooms. I will post pictures of the rooms as soon as I finish. I just painted Molly's room tonight so Sophie is next. In the meantime here is a link to some pictures we had taken of the girls last week for your viewing pleasure:

When it asks for the customer name type EMILY MIERSMA